Air Source Heat Pump Association


Build2Perform, Olympia

Tuesday 21 November 2017


Evolving from CIBSE's Building Performance Conference and Exhibition, Build2Perform offers more interactive features and multiple seminar streams encompassing an entire floor at London's Olympia Exhibition Centre.

The CIBSE conference covered Lighting, Natural Ventilation, Air Quality - and other topics - as well as this stream on District Heating and Cooling.

District Heating & Cooling - 10am

Heat Pump District Networks allow lower costs and reduced carbon emissions for heating and cooling.

Chair - Phil Jones, CIBSE CHP & District Heating Group

Huw Blackwell, Vice Chair, CIBSE CHP and DH group

Paul Woods, Concessions Director, Engie UK

Gareth Jones

Mike Smith, Director, Engineering, BSRIA

Ambient Temperature Heat Networks - 11am

Balanced Energy Network Piping

This seminar gave a strong grounding in the potential for large ambient temperature networks to deliver low carbon and affordable heating and cooling at a district scale - with flexible scaling options when built: fifth generation district heating and cooling networks.

Chair - Phil Jones, CIBSE CHP & District Heating Group


The wider context of government policy approach on heat networks, legal issues
Professor Andy Ford, London South Bank University


A technical overview from the ground up: limitations of CHP networks
Chris Davidson, Director, Genius EnergyLab


Experience of installing a Balanced Energy Network at London South Bank University
Edward Thompson, Director, ICAX Ltd


Integration of renewable technologies and carbon implications in the Energy Puzzle
Neil Lawson, Technical & Operations Director, GI Energy

How decarbonisation of the grid impacts heat network options - 12am

This debates the merits of different technologies and how best to achieve carbon savings.
How are carbon targets changing?
What’s the future of district heating?
What are the limitations in CHP in reducing carbon savings?
Choosing the right heat network for sustainable buildings
When and how to specify heat pumps
How to ensure carbon savings
Planning and low carbon heat networks: towards low carbon heat: the London Mayor’s hierarchy.

Chair - Neil Kermode, Managing Director, European Marine Tidal Energy Centre

Clara Bagenal George, Environmental Design Engineer, Elementa Consulting

Professor David Elmes, Professor of Economic Modelling & Forecasting, Warwick Business School

Aaron Gillich, Senior Lecturer in Energy and Building Systems Engineering, London South Bank University & BEIS



Full programme details and booking forms can be found at CIBSE Build2Perform.
