Air Source Heat Pump Association


All-Energy 2018  
SEC Glasgow
2-3 May 2018

All-Energy, held in Glasgow annually, is now established as the UK's leading renewable energy exhibition and conference. All-Energy brings together the latest technologies and thought leaders worldwide.

The HPF is at All-Energy to explain how ground source energy can help you address the key issue of combating global warming in a practical way that is in tune with the natural environment.


Protecting and enhancing the environment sits at the heart of sustainability. With the growing awareness that the built environment accounts for nearly half of the UK’s CO2 emissions, innovative, green solutions for designing, constructing and using buildings are in urgent demand.

Most of the CO2 emissions in the UK come from buildings, with the majority coming from burning fossil fuels to provide heating and hot water.

The clearest route to reducing carbon emissions is to stop combustion.

The alternative to combustion for heating is to use heat transfer.

This implies the electrification of heat, and using heat pumps to arrange heat transfer from the ground in place of combustion.

The case for using ground source heat pumps increases each year with the decarbonisation of the grid. It also increases greatly for buildings that need cooling in the summer as well as heating in winter – because summer heat can be stored in the ground and then recycled back to the building in winter.

District heating networks can be a very effective mechanism for reducing carbon emissions from heating and cooling buildings, especially if based on heat sharing networks with each building on the network drawing heat from a communal network as it needs heating – and rejecting heat to the communal network as it needs cooling in summer.

All-Energy Conference 2018

All-Energy, the UK's largest renewable energy event, is taking place on 2 & 3 May 2018 in Glasgow. The free-to-attend annual conference and exhibition brings together the UK's largest group of buyers from the bioenergy, solar, offshore and onshore wind, hydropower and wave & tidal sectors, as well as those involved in energy storage, heat, low carbon transport and sustainable cities.

Joined-up Heating and Cooling

Edward Thompson of HPF spoke on "Joined-up Heating and Cooling" at All-Energy 2017.
See why "There is more to district heating than CHP.

You can register for free tickets to visit ALL-ENERGY 2018.
