Air Source Heat Pump Association


Ground Source Energy Expo 2017
Sustainable Heating and Cooling
Wednesday 6 September 2017
Aston Marina, Stone, Staffordshire

This year's Ground Source Energy Expo 2017 combined a conference and exhibition with afternoon workshops for everyone interested in the ground source energy industry at any level.

HPF Expo 2017

The Expo started at 10.30am following the HPC's annual general meeting and included speakers from the influencers in our sector and following the presentations there was an opportunity to take part in industry specific workshops. These sessions are designed to give delegates the opportunity to raise issues affecting the industry.

The Expo saw the launch of the Carbon Emission Calculator which illustrates that the carbon emissions savings of using a ground source heating system are dramatic compared to using any combustion system.

The Expo also saw the launch of the Ground Source Heating & Cooling Guide which focusses on providing guidance for those planning to instal ground source energy systems.

HPF Expo 2017 Programme

Chairman's Address   John Findlay, HPC
Large Consultancies' Perspective - Ground Source Energy   Michael Chendorain, Arup
Procurement Pathways   David Kemp, Procureplus
1.00 Break
Heat Networks & Heat Pumps   Phil Jones, HPF
Dave Pearson, Star Refrigeration
Nic Wincott, HPC
Environment Agency   Ross Lowrie, Environment Agency
Emma Booth, Environment Agency
Thermal Transfer Fluids   Phil Gray
MCS design for GSHP systems   Robin Curtis, HPC
Chris Davidson, HPF
5.00 Close

HPF Expo 2017 at Stone

HPF is very grateful to its sponsors for 2017:

HPF is very grateful to its sponsors for the Ground Source Energy Expo 2017:

HPF is very grateful to those who are exhibiting at Ground Source Energy Expo 2017:
