Air Source Heat Pump Association


GSHPA responds to
RHI: Non-Domestic Early Tariff Review - May 2013


See GSHPA Response to the RHI: Non-Domestic Early Tariff Review Consultation.


You will see from the GSHPA response that we warmly welcome the proposal to increase the RHI Tariffs for Commercial GSHP installations dramatically.

We also welcome the revised approach in which in paragraph 78 of the Consultation DECC has decided that "We therefore intend to pay out on all heat produced by GSHPs". This is a major advance and removes the confusion introduced into the legislation with idea that only "naturally occurring heat" could be supported.

We welcome DECC's recognition of the potential for GSHPs to assist in combating climate change.


Please see the full GSHPA Response to the RHI: Non-Domestic Early Tariff Review Consultation.


Please also see Ten reasons why BEIS should support Ground Source Energy.
