Air Source Heat Pump Association


RHI Non-Domestic Tariffs

RHI Non-Domestic tariff history

The small biomass rate has "degressed" from 7.9 p/kWhr in 2011 down to 2.96 p/kWhr from Oct 2017.

The GSHP tariff started at 3.2 pence/kWhr in 2011. It has since been increased to 9.09 pence/kWhr.

RHI for ASHPs was introduced at 2.5 pence/kWhr in 2014.

The remaining RHI tariffs are broadly unchanged, apart from inflation adjustments.

RHI Domestic Tariffs

RHI Domestic tariff history

The biomass tariff has "degressed" from 12.2 p/kWhr in 2014 down to 6.54 p/kWhr by October 17.

The GSHP tariff started at 18.8p/kWhr in 2014. It has since been increased by inflation to 19.86p/kWhr.

The ASHP tariff was introduced at 7.3p/kWhr in 2014. It has been increased to 10.18p/kWhr.

Experienced Contractor

A heat pump provides an excellent method for providing emission free heating and avoiding further rises in energy bills, as well as attracting RHI, but they must be installed by an experienced contractor for the full potential to be realised.
